【同义词辨析】 2019-09-17 提供offer-prefer

offer: implies a putting before one of something which may be accepted or rejected: ~ a suggestion.

proffer: suggests that one is at liberty to accept or reject what is offered, and stresses the spontaneity, voluntariness, and courtesy of the agent: ~red assistance to the elderly man.  自发强调没人提醒催促,自愿强调没人强迫

tender: implies modesty, humility, or gentleness on the part of the one who makes the offer: ~ our thanks; and serves as an idiomatic or polite term in certain phrases: ~ a resignation.   tender本身表示感情温柔,或肉鲜嫩

present: suggests ceremonious exhibition: ~ed to the queen; or the offering of something for use or pleasure: a letter ~ed on a silver tray.

prefer: retains a sense close to offer in legal usage: ~ an indictment.

offer提供: 指放到人面前可接受拒绝,proffer提供: 强调自发自愿礼貌,可选择接受或拒绝,tender提供提交: 强调谦虚谦卑温柔,或用于习语表示礼貌,present提交呈现: 表示有仪式感呈现展现,或表示提供给人使用享受,prefer提告(法律): 也表示提交,法律用语

记忆方法: 1)首字母OPTPP三人<==提供大众

         2)提供的意思是供人接受选择mean to lay, set, or put something before another for acceptance.